Luc De Raedt

Short biography

Luc De Raedt is currently a full professor at the KU Leuven and was the chair of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processsing at the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg from 1999-2006. He has been the program chair of ECML/PKDD 2001, ICML 2005 and ECAI 2012. He is or has been coordinating the EU FET projects on Applications of Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming (April) and Inductive Constraint Programming (ICON).

Luc’s research interests are in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining as well as their applications. He is currently working on statistical relational learning, which combines probabilistic graphical models with logical representations and machine learning, the integration of constraint programming with data mining and machine learning principles, and the development of programming languages for machine learning. He is also interested in applications of these methods to chemo- and bio-informatics, to natural language processing, vision, robotics and action- and activity learning.